Planning A Byob Event

What does BYOB Mean?

BYOB stands for “Bring Your Own Beer”. If a third party vendor is not serving alcohol at the social event it must be BYOB. Guidelines for planning a BYOB event are:


  • BYOB means individuals, who are of legal drinking age, are responsible for bringing their own, individual consumption beverages. These beverages may not be distributed to others, especially those underage.
  • BYOB does NOT mean bring your own liquor
  • Security must be present at the entrance of all social events when alcohol is present.
  • All guests must bring identification to verify age and their University/College ID.
  • Guests and chapter members can bring a maximum of 6 beers to a BYOB event.
  • The chapter should serve NO other alcohol during a BYOB event.
  • Purchasing alcohol with chapter funds is prohibited (no bar tabs, no slush funds, no passing of the hat for a keg, no side checking accounts, no side social accounts, no giving bands alcohol, etc.). A paper trail will exist if you purchase alcohol with chapter funds.

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