Delta Rho

College or University

Eastern Kentucky University


Richmond Attorney W. Joseph Joiner and transfer student Brian Bellairs (Georgetown, 1978) started the colony at Eastern Kentucky, which was recognized by the interfraternity council in the spring of 1981. After one semester, the colony had a membership of twenty-three and had the second highest grade point average among the campus fraternities. Maintaining its high grades, the colony became involved in philanthropic, social, and athletic activities at Eastern Kentucky and reached a membership of thirty one, which completed its set of chartering requirements. The Delta Rho charter was presented in the university's Powell Building on April 18, 1982. Past President Edward A. (Ted) Marye gave the principal address, and Executive Director John Meyerhoff passed the charter to Chapter President Doug Lefler. Capt. James Hardin (Mississippi, 1970) who had served as faculty advisor to the colony, received recognition for his help.

Founding Date

April 18, 1982

Current Status

Awards and Distinctions

Administrative Excellence 8/1/1985
Administrative Excellence 8/1/1988
Administrative Excellence 8/1/1993
Angelo Award 8/1/1995
Administrative Excellence 8/1/1995
Community Service Award 7/30/1996
Paul Newman Award 7/30/1996
Order of the Star 7/30/1996
Administrative Excellence 7/30/1996
Order of the Star 8/1/1997
Administrative Excellence 8/1/1997
Administrative Excellence 8/1/1999
Administrative Excellence 8/5/2000
Paul Newman Award 8/7/2000
Administrative Excellence 7/21/2003
Hole In The Wall Camp Award 7/21/2006
Administrative Excellence 7/21/2006
Maxwell Scroll Winner 7/21/2006
Academic Excellence 7/21/2006
Hole In The Wall Camp Award 7/21/2006
Maxwell Award - Overall 7/21/2006
Outstanding BOG 7/20/2007
Administrative Excellence 7/20/2007
Order of the Star 7/20/2007
Hole In The Wall Camp Award 7/20/2007

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